
last vet visit!

well until they get neutered anyways. joe-dad took them in yesterday morning for their last round of shots. everything went well. kittens didnt freak out or anything or atleast joe-dad didnt say they freaked out.

BUT the vet said spaghetti had a paunch!!! and was like "wow he's already got a paunch, that usually doesn't happen until after their neutered." wtf! so hayley and i were joking last night that i cursed him by naming him after a carbohydrate. and then some more fat jokes went on for a good 10 minutes. my poor little noodle head.

anyways neutering happens in 2 more months. i'm booking a day off work to hang with them after their surgeries. aaaaaa!! im so scared!!!

hayley, do you have any paunch pics? LOL

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